It is my privilege to extend warm greetings to you on behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire staff! We are excited to have the opportunity to actively engage students in the learning process. We are a district located in the central San Joaquin Valley of California. We are comprised of three beautiful school campuses, Armona Elementary School (TK-4), Parkview Middle School (5-8) and Crossroads Charter Academy (K-12) and serve approximately 1,100 students in our rural community. Our motto is Where Kids Come First and we strive daily to be the place that meets the academic, behavioral and socio-emotional needs of ALL students. We are also committed to attracting, retaining and supporting our staff to meet the current and future needs of our community.
We work together as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to reach the four goals in our Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP):
Increase the educational outcomes of ALL students
Provide a safe instructional program setting for students, staff, and parents
Increase parent awareness regarding the importance of pupil engagement
Provide students with diverse educational opportunities.
The focus of our PLC work is to work as a team to answer the four essential questions of PLCs: What do we expect students to learn and be able to do? How will we know they are learning? How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond when they already know it?
We invite our parents and other stakeholders to partner with us in the journey to accomplish the Mission and Vision of our District! During the time students are with us,we will utilize our human and financial resources to provide rigorous and relevant learning experiences for ALL students. The relentless pursuit of our mission will result in accomplishing our vision to prepare ALL students to be productive citizens in their community and beyond.**LET’S GO PANTHERS COMMUNITY!**
Xavier Piña, Ed.D.
We will utilize our human and financial resources to provide rigorous and relevant learning experiences for ALL students.
We will prepare ALL students to be productive citizens in their community and beyond.
Parent Info
- Parent Notifications
- Annual Parent Notiice Eng 2024-25
- Annual Parent Notice Spn 2024-25
- Annual Testing Spn 2024-2025
- Annual Testing Eng 2024-25
- Expanded Learning Brochure 2024-25
- Expanded learning App AE 2024-25
- Expanded Learning App PV 2024-25
- Expanded Learning Flyer 2024-25
- Parent Involvement Policy Eng 2024-25
- Parent Involvement Policy Spn 2024-25
- Volunteer/Chaperone Eng 2024-25
- Volunteer/Chaperone Spn 2024-25
Kinder Registration 2025-2026 Begins March 3, 2025
Children who turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 may register for Kindergarten. Children who turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible to register for Transitional Kindergarten (TK).
All incoming TK/K must register on line before submitting required documents to the school office. Students will be scheduled for a kindergarten assessment. For more information, please contact the school office at 583-5010.
Click the link below to begin the online registration:
Niños que cumplen 5 años de edad en o antes del Septiembre 1, 2025 pueden ser inscritos para el Kinder (K). Niños que cumplen 4 años de edad en o antes de Septiembre 1, 2025 son elegibles para ser inscritos para el Kínder de Transición (TK).
Todos los estudiantes ingresando al TK/K deben ser matriculados en linea antes de propocionar los documentos requeridos. Los estudiantes seran progrmados para un examen de ingreso al kinder. Para mas informacion porfavor comuníquese con la oficina escolar al 583-5010.
Haga clic en el enlace para iniciar la inscripción en línea: